About Timothy
Go Beyond.
Go Beyond.
Go Beyond.
Go Beyond.
Go Beyond.
Competing With Integrity
Go Beyond.
Our coaches are excellence-driven. Our teams are competitive and consistently place well in our conference and beyond. But what matters most is training young athletes to develop Christ-like character on and off the field. Wearing a Timothy Christian Schools jersey means more than just winning trophies and titles — it means competing with integrity.
Abby Vander Wal has become one of the nation's best volleyball players during her time at @TCSchools. The three-time gold medalist with USA Volleyball will soon leave the only school she's ever known to play for the Texas Longhorns. @AbbyVWal @TexasVolleyball #HookEm pic.twitter.com/UvptR6isId
— Sports Stars of Tomorrow (@SportsStarsTV) September 30, 2024