$840,000 Gift for Tuition Assistance
Amy Bode
“Where are my glasses when I need them?!” exclaimed Matt Davidson when he received a text from a friend of Timothy on the night of December 10th. It was during the outdoor drive-in Christmas program when Davidson received a miraculous text, but he left his “readers” in his office, thus making it difficult to make out. “Could this be true?” Davidson asked himself.
Minutes before he was supposed to take the stage to close out the incredible Christmas program, Matt Davidson saw a text on his phone. It was a notification from a personal friend and a friend of Timothy who had made a gift to Empower Illinois through the Invest in Kids Act on behalf of Timothy. (In summary, the Invest in Kids Act provides a state tax credit incentive for the donor which in turn provides tuition scholarship opportunities for qualifying families.) Davidson, without his glasses, thought he was misreading the text or perhaps it was a typo. But with his heart racing, he called the donor for clarification.
“Did you just commit $840,000 to Timothy families through the Invest in Kids Act? Or did I misread this?”
This dear friend of Timothy confirmed the gift just as Davidson was taking the stage to close the program. It was announced from the stage as a Christmas present to Timothy. The audience honked their horns for a long time in celebration of this incredible blessing. Praise God for this wonderful gift to Timothy families in need.
- advancement